
File Structure

├── configs                                # Container for terragrunt configs
│   └── aws                                # AWS partition
│       ├── {management_account_id}        # Idempotent identifier for management account configurations
│       │   └── management                 # Baseline teragrunt configuration for management account
│       └── {member_account_id...}         # Idempotent identifier for member account configurations
│           └── member                     # Baseline terragrunt configuration for member account
├── roots                                  # Container for terraform root modules
│   └── aws                                # AWS partition
│       ├── management                     # Management root module
│       │   └── policy_templates           # Container for policy templates used by management config
│       └── member                         # Member root module
└── templates                              # Container for terragrunt template configs
    └── aws                                # AWS partition
        ├── member                         # Terragrunt config template for member accounts
        └── management                     # Terragrunt config template for management accounts


In this example, the partition is aws (i.e., tardigrade/configs/aws). Generally speaking, most AWS implementations of tardigrade will only use the aws partition. The aws partition is the commercial partition that most people are familiar with. There are other partitions though, such as AWS GovCloud (aws-us-gov) and AWS China (aws-cn)

Idempotent Element

Each directory at this level (e.g., tardigrade/configs/aws/{accounts...}) represents an individual account. For AWS, the account number is an idempotent value so we used that to represent individual accounts. The names of these directories do not influence the operation of this framework in any way. They simply serve as a mechanism for developers to easily identify the account.

Each directory at this level represents an individual account. Account level configurations are stored here and are applied within the context of the target account. Specific elements of the account level configuration are described below.


This directory has the following files:

├── terraform.tfvars         # defines config-specific variables
└── terragrunt.hcl           # terragrunt configuration


This directory contains the terraform modules that tie together the various terraform components to comprise an infrastructure baseline to be deployed to every account of a given type.


This directory contains template terragrunt configs that can be copied into the configs/aws/{account} directory to quickly instantiate a new account.